
We are built as gene machines and cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to turn against our creators. We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators. - Richard Dawkins "Selfish Gene"

We are built as gene machines and cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to turn against our creators.
We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators.
- Richard Dawkins "Selfish Gene"

京大、山中伸弥教授のiPS細胞続報 @Nature Biotech.

Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells without Myc from mouse and human fibroblasts : Abstract : Nature Biotechnology

先月話題になったiPS細胞の開発は、Nature誌上で発表された*1間違い。"Cell"だった。僕もおこじょ嬢にインスパイアされてエントリを書いた(d:id:Hash:20071126)が、一応バイオを専攻する身としてもうちょっと突っ込んでみたい。Natureはどちらかというとコンセプト雑誌で、科学的に[これはすごい]と思われる奇抜な・画期的な内容が載る。で、少し後に姉妹紙のNature Biotechnologyなどに技術的な内容が載る。どちらもインパクトファクターは激高、一粒で二度おいしい。はぐれメタル倒したようなものだ。違うか。


さてメインの"without Myc"だが、Mycとは何で、使わないと一体何が嬉しいのか?

まずはiPS細胞の復習から。iPS細胞とは、身体のどんな部分にでもなれるゼネラリスト(違)な細胞。 induced pluripotent stem cell、という。こいつを作るには、成人細胞に4つの転写因子を加える必要があった*2

Reactivation of the c-Myc retrovirus, however, increases tumorigenicity in the chimeras and progeny mice, hindering clinical applications. Here we describe a modified protocol for the generation of iPS cells that does not require the Myc retrovirus.

Access : Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells without Myc from mouse and human fibroblasts : Nature Biotechnology



It will be important to find factors or small molecules that can enhance the efficiency of iPS cell generation without Myc for the generation of disease- and patient-specific iPS cells.

Access : Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells without Myc from mouse and human fibroblasts : Nature Biotechnology


An improved zinc-finger nuclease architecture for highly specific genome editing : Abstract : Nature Biotechnology



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