
We are built as gene machines and cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to turn against our creators. We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators. - Richard Dawkins "Selfish Gene"

We are built as gene machines and cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to turn against our creators.
We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators.
- Richard Dawkins "Selfish Gene"


脳のなかの幽霊、ふたたび 見えてきた心のしくみ

脳のなかの幽霊、ふたたび 見えてきた心のしくみ

この本は脳のなかの幽霊 (角川21世紀叢書)の続編と言うよりも、サプリメンタルインフォメーションという感じだが、少し議論が進んでいる。クオリア、アハ!(Aha!)体験など茂木さんを読んでたらなじみのある言葉も出てきます。ラマチャンドランは文章うまい(訳がうまい?)し、読みやすい。おすすめ。